The full moon cast an eerie glow over the wilderness as 12-year-old Colt huddled next to the small campfire, his only companion his American Bully, Samson. They’d been wandering the frontier for weeks since Colt’s parents passed away suddenly, leaving him orphaned with only brave Samson by his side.
Colt ran his hand over Samson’s brown and white fur, taking comfort in the warmth and familiarity amidst so much loss and uncertainty. “Don’t worry boy, we’ll find a town soon,” Colt whispered, as Samson nuzzled him affectionately.
Morning after morning, the duo broke camp before sunrise to avoid the punishing heat. Night after night, Colt clung to Samson for warmth as frigid winds whipped through their makeshift shelters. Hunger clawed at their bellies, but still they pressed on through parched canyons and over rocky ridges.
Just as the last of Colt’s hope was fading, they stumbled into a valley bursting with wildflowers. “This has to lead somewhere!” Colt cried, as Samson bayed excitedly. Their weary feet quickened with renewed vigor as they followed a winding stream towards distant plumes of chimney smoke.
By late afternoon, a small settlement came into view. “Look Samson, people!” Colt shouted. But his elation turned to horror as a blood-curdling snarl ripped through the heavy silence. Before Colt could react, a huge cougar leapt from the rocks above, pinning him down!
Samson came barreling forward without hesitation. He slammed into the big cat with fierce bravery, teeth gnashing as cougar and bully became a twisting tornado of fur and blood. Colt watched helplessly as his loyal friend battled the predator, despite grievous wounds from its savage claws.
With Colt’s life hanging in the balance, Samson summoned one last mighty surge of strength. He clamped his strong jaws around the cougar’s throat, wrestling it to the ground with a final whine as it choked its last breath.
Sobbing, Colt crawled to where Samson lay unmoving, his ruddy coat stained dark crimson. “Please don’t leave me too...” Colt whimpered as his tears fell onto Samson’s snout. With a faint groan, Samson’s eyes fluttered open once more!
Though limping badly, the courageous bully led Colt out of that ravine of nightmares towards the shimmering lights of Ricochet Gulch. They collapsed at the saloon doors into the caring arms of Flynn Clintwood, the local gossipmonger and bartender known for tall tales.
At first, ole Flynn’s eyes grew wide with disbelief. But nursed back to health under his chatterbox care, the true tale of Samson’s unfathomable bravery soon spread like wildfire. The ravine was dubbed Samson’s Ridge, an enduring reminder of the indomitable courage and loyalty that dwells in the hearts of American Bullies.
🐾 Originally published November 27, 2023 by Jason Lau
🌟 Samson's Stand is a substory from my interactive story "Ricochet Gulch" (https://youai.ai/ais/e2d64080-c743-4b86-8438-b45df0cceeeb). Condensed for social media. 🌟
This art is available on canvas and other products: https://my-store-e765f4.creator-spring.com/listing/american-bully-boy-cougar